The brief for the advertisement project was to re-market an Unilever product of our choice. We were asked to re-market to a different target audience so that the potential audience was broader, therefore the chances for making more profit increases. The way we researched for a product was by looking at what products Unilever made, by looking on their website. After we researched on the Unilever website, everyone in the class had to choose one product. Once we had chosen our product, we evaluated a brief history of the product and then pitched an idea so that when we were put into our groups we all had an idea to share. This helped us with time and ideas from different products came together. When we were put into our group we were all debating on what idea to choose. Eventually we went with the Hellmann's Mayonnaise idea where originally we wanted the advert to be comical, however in the end we decided not to use the comical theme.
Once we decided our idea, we made an mind map of what would be needed so that the advert turned out right. This involved things like, dates of deadlines, who the target audience was, what competition there was related to our product, what resources we would need for our advert, our budget (£5.00), conditions of reception, legal and ethical issues, and constraints. This was all put down on the mind map so that we knew what we needed to do so that the advert was successful.
We chose Hellmann's Mayonnaise because we all thought that it was advertised in the wrong way and that we should advertise it as more than just an cooking ingredient. We also thought that because of our limited access to resources and the amount of skill we had, it would be an easy advert to create as things like green screens or fancy special effects were not needed. An interest in the taste as well came up in our discussion, as some people in our group had never tried Hellmann's Mayonnaise before.
We decided that the target audience didn't need changing as it was already good. However, we wanted to re-market the product as condiment and not as a cooking ingredient, keeping the target audience the same (parents, male and female). We also decide to add an secondary target audience which was children and teenagers (demographic).
The Finished Product And Feedback
Once we completed our advert we took part in a focus group, which gave us the chance to show all of our adverts, and were able to collect feedback from our peers and our tutor, which would then help us with the final evaluation. The way we did this was by sitting down, and opening up our adverts on YouTube, on the overhead projector. After we watched all of the adverts, the teacher went table by table and collected comments from other people that weren't in the advert and collected comments from the people that were in the advert. We also created online surveys with a link to the video and also created physical copies to give out to our target audience. This helped us broaden our results and improve our evaluation.
This is a set of graphs to the question, 'Does This Advert Persuade You To Buy Or Try The Product?', 'What Is Your Age?', and 'What Is Your Gender?':
As you can see from this graph, mostly males were asked the questions in the questionnaires and the surveys. I think we should of tried to ask more females as the target audience was parents.

This graph shows that our advert was persuasive. As you can see from the graph, most people said that they would buy our product from watching the advert. However a big percentage still said 'No' which means there could of been some bad points in our advert.
As you can see from the graph, we mostly asked people aged between 15-20. However this means that we haven't asked enough people that were in our target audience (which was families). The results that we got back from the younger generation may not be the same if we had more results from the 30+ age range.
This is a set of graphs to the question, 'Does This Advert Persuade You To Buy Or Try The Product?', 'What Is Your Age?', and 'What Is Your Gender?':

This graph shows that our advert was persuasive. As you can see from the graph, most people said that they would buy our product from watching the advert. However a big percentage still said 'No' which means there could of been some bad points in our advert.
As you can see from the graph, we mostly asked people aged between 15-20. However this means that we haven't asked enough people that were in our target audience (which was families). The results that we got back from the younger generation may not be the same if we had more results from the 30+ age range.
From personal opinion I think that our Hellmann's Mayonnaise advert did succeed in the appropriateness to audience. Others also agreed with it, by commenting on the Mise - En - Scene. They said that the way that we incorporated the kitchen scenery was well done and the fact that we made sure that there was an mature figure in the advert (Jonny wearing a t-shirt and tie, this suggests he is a well working class individual ) made the advert more appealing. I believe that the advert has impacted people's interest in the product and 4 out 4 people said that they would buy or try the product from looking at the footage.
Some people also commented on the 'Technical and Aesthetic' qualities. Some of my peers said that they really liked the camera control on the plates, as they were smooth and worked really well with everything else in the advert. My tutor commented, saying that there was good control on the camera, the fact that there was an effect on that clip (wrap stabilizer), it made those clips look even better.
They also found that the fridge shot worked really well as it showed the product in the forefront They said that the first shot that used transitions worked really well with the slow pace feel. My tutor also commented on the Mis-En-Scene, and said that it was "well controlled". Also in this shot, my tutor commented that the camera should of been in manual, so that the lighting would stay the same all through the shot.
As the advert moved towards the middle - to - end, they said that the cut transitions worked very well with the increase in pace between shots. Both tutor and my peers commented that colour scheme made the advert look more warm, and more inviting. They also liked the close up of the dollop shots. When it came to the music they said that they didn't hear it, but that made the advert look and sound more appealing; just like elevator music.
Personally I think this shot worked really well. However, my tutor commented that the shot was too wide and we didn't need a lot of the kitchen in the background. The same shot was taken at a different time, but had a lower angle to it. This seemed to look better to my tutor than the previous shot.
From personal opinion I think that the effectiveness of content works really well and successfully gives an understanding of the narrative / story line of the ad. It clearly shows food, where the food is, what is going on the food, and what reaction is shown from the taste of Mayonnaise. Also the voice over clearly shows what is being portrayed in this ad and shows what we wanted to portray the product as (a condiment).
Also how it was presented made the advert give off a wrong impression. In our questionnaire analysis, I noticed that a 30+ male, said that the advert was trying to tell people to change their eating habits and to eat more healthily. In a way it was a hidden message, but wasn't the main message we were trying to get across. Also the same person said that the advert appealed to everyone, and that it was trying to make people aware that junk food is not good. Again this was not the message we were trying to portray. Besides the mix in messages, the same person did say the advert worked as it was simple and straight to the point.
The final thing that I can talk about is clarity of communication. From personal opinion, I believe that we have successfully sent our message across to the right target audience. We used a great deal of good mis-en-scene, by wearing the right cloths and choosing the right location. This helped us to show who the target audience were (families / parents / teenagers - male and female). We specifically said that Hellmann's Mayonnaise can go on "every meal" which was what we wanted to originally do. So overall we wanted to tell people that families from young to old can enjoy Mayonnaise. We were also trying to say that Mayonnaise can appeal to vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
When it came to the questionnaires and surveys, we collected a fair amount of results. When it came to what people thought of the advert, people said that the advert was 'very creative' and that the advert was 'appropriate' which helped with identifying the target audience. Some commented that the voice was very 'soothing' and because the advert was 'fast', it was entertaining. However, some people say that the voice was 'dull' and that the graphics implied 'wasn't eye catching enough'. Most people seem to like the persuasive techniques, but not to the extent that they would actually go out and buy the product. They feel it's more like a kindly question. This is because of the 'gentle music' and the 'gentle happy vibe'. Some people said that they would go out and buy the product because it makes food sound good and makes them hungry.
Some people said that the advert wasn't trying to 'over glorify the product' which made it more appealing. Another person said that the advert made them laugh and the slogan was 'top notch'. One comment on the editing was mentioned with one person saying that the advert was 'all set out well and looked professional'. A male between 15 - 20 said that the advert made Mayonnaise appeal to a younger generation. This is good because a younger generation might asked there parents to go and buy the product. This meant that our group succeed in persuading our secondary target audience as well as are primary target audience.
When we asked people 'what is the advert trying to say?', most people got the right idea from the advert, and commented that Hellmann's Mayonnaise can go on almost every meal.
When we asked 'who do you think the advert would appeal to?', most people said that the target audience were, mothers, parents, families and mayo lovers. Some people also said it would appeal to Kenneth haters.
Overall, I think that the advert did fit its purpose. I do think that the advert isn't 100% professional but still has some professional qualities in it. Also from watching the advert over a couple of times, we have noticed that there are no advertising regulations broken (like false advertising, or non-consent product placement). However, another advert like the 'Man-Mite' advert that was created by another group in our class, did adhere to the AS regulations of the 'Harm and Offensive' section.
As you can see from this picture there is evidence that the advert might be showing violence to another person. Of course this wasn't there original idea, but it may conflict with other people's opinion. The details of the 'Harm or Offensive' section can be seen below.
Personal Reflection
From looking back at our pre-production documentation, I think that most of the shots that we originally drew down on our storyboard, were not even used. This was because when we got to our location, we knew that some of the shots wouldn't work or that when it came to editing, we noticed a lot of continuity errors, so we had to edit them out. However, that is part of the pre-production, mostly in every production some shots may change or won't even be used. So compared to original intentions, I think it wasn't 100% the same as our documentation.
From my view, I personally think that the advert (production) went very well and was very educational and enjoyable. The things I would do differently, if we were to do advertisement again, would be to really make sure that there are no continuity errors and that the message that we are trying to get across is clear. The thing I would do differently about my involvement in the project would be to maybe star in the project or try to be involved in different parts of the project, besides editing and filming.
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